Spanish language level B2.2



At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • To relate to native speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency and naturalness so as to maintain effortless communication. To produce social constructions in formal and informal contexts as well as making enunciations related to personal experiences, events and needs of daily life
  • Understand the main ideas of complex texts which deal with concrete and abstract subjects, even if they are of a technical nature, as long as they are within their special field
  • Elaborate written texts which explain, describe or narrate aspects related to the subjects and contents of this level. To argue and counterargue. To understand and write personal and formal correspondence
  • Understand in a global way, information and opinions transmitted through media, as well as literary texts of intermediate difficulty



Functional contents

  1. To narrate II
    1. To narrate following the prototypical process
    2. To insert descriptive sequences of people, objects, places and circumstances. Objective and subjective point of view: aspectualization
    3. Insert dialogical sequences of indirect style in the past (indicative and subjunctive)
  2. To express opinions and attitudes II
    1. To ask for and to express opinions
    2. To express agreement and disagreement with firmness or attenuation
    3. To show scepticism
    4. To present a counterargument
  3. To ask for and express judgements II
  4. To ask for and express knowledge, lack of knowledge II
  5. To express and ask about the skill to do something II
  6. Affirmation and negation of certainty and evidence II. Formal register
  7. Formulate a hypothesis and express possibility. Expressing with nuances the different degrees of security
  8. To express likings, preferences and interests II
    1. To ask about and express likings and interests
    2. To ask about and express preferences
    3. To express indifference
    4. To express aversion
  9. To express and ask for plans and intentions
  10. To express wishes, feelings and sensations II
    1. To express wishes. Different degrees of possibility
    2. To express feelings: being fed up, affliction, indignation,etc.
    3. To express physical and emotional sensations
  11. Influence on others II
    1. To give an instruction or an order: to repeat a previous or presupposed order
    2. To offer and invite
    3. To accept and reject
    4. To propose and suggest
    5. To ask for and deny help, permission, a favour in a gentle way or a covered up manner. To beg
    6. To prohibit. To reject a prohibition
    7. To advise. To pose hypothetical situations
    8. To urge, to calm down, to console, to warn and reproach, etc…
  12. Social uses of language under informal and formal Circumstances. Written texts
    1. To greet and bid farewell
    2. To introduce and react to an introduction
    3. To apologize and how to react to an apology
    4. To be grateful
    5. To express oneself in other social situations
    6. To express courteous wishes
  13. How to structure the discourse II
  14. Spelling II
    1. Spelling of letters and words (where: “adónde/adonde”; if not/ but: “sino/si no”; of digits and numbers
    2. Accentuation: Distinction between types of words and general accentuation Rule in polysyllabic words. Diphthongs, triphthongs and hiatuses in verbal forms. Diacritical accent Pronouns, adverbs and adverbial locutions in indirect interrogative and exclamative clauses
    3. Punctuation: Basic uses of full stop, hyphen, coma and semicolon; interrogation and exclamation marks; parenthesis; quotes; suspension marks

Grammar contents

  1. The adjective
    1. Types of adjectives: qualifying and relational adjectives
    2. Gender and noun
    3. Position of the adjective
    4. Degrees of the adjective: superlative
    5. Substantiation of the adjective
  2. The article
    1. With and without anaphoric value
    2. Syntactic distribution
    3. Lack of determination
  3. Quantifiers
    1. Own individual quantifiers: numerals, universals & non universals
    2. Focal or presuppositional quantifiers: including and excluding
    3. Quantified structures
  4. Posessives
  5. Review of demonstrative pronouns personal pronouns
    1. Values of SE
  6. Relative Pronouns
    1. What: “Que”: cases of obligatory presence of the determinate article
    2. Whom: “Quien”: with or without antecedent
  7. The verb II
    1. Indicative
      1. Present, present perfect, imperfect, etc.: review
      2. Future: form and values
      3. Conditional: review
      4. Perfect conditional: form and values
    2. Subjuntive
      1. Present: review
      2. Imperfect: values
      3. Present perfect: values
      4. Pluperfect: form and values
    3. The imperative: review
  8. Review of sentences with subjunctive oriented to past, present and future coordinates
    1. Substantive subordinates
    2. Subordinates of relative
    3. Adverbial subordinates: temporal, final and conditional with “if”
    4. Concessive subordinates II
  9. Sentences with subjunctive oriented to the coordinates of the past
  10. Indirect style II
  11. Verbal periphrasis
    1. Infinitive, gerund and participle
  12. To be: “Ser y estar”
  13. Verbal syntagm II
    1. The passive voice
  14. Non-personal forms of the verb: gerund uses



  • BALLESTER, P.(2011): Conjugando verbos españoles. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona
  • Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la lengua
  • GARACHANA, M. (2010): Y, ahora la gramática, 6, Barcelona Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2009): Ortografía práctica del español, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • Instituto Cervantes (2011): Guía práctica de escritura y redacción, Madrid, ESPASA.
  • VV.AA. (2015): Mucho más que palabras B1.2. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona
  • VV.AA. (2013): Agencia ELE 5 B2.1, Madrid, SGEL.
  • VV.AA. (2015): En gramática, Avanzado B2,Madrid, ANAYA.
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