Spanish language level B1.1



At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Understand and produce social constructions. Express in an oral form, using the proper communication strategies, simple enunciations related to daily life and to personal experience
  • Understand texts of a conversational, descriptive, expositive and narrative nature, related to personal experiences and events that take place in daily life
  • Master communication in conversations telephone calls
  • Elaborate written texts which explain, describe or narrate aspects related to the subjects and contents of this level. Personal correspondence



Functional contents

  1. Dar y pedir información I
    1. To identify
    2. To provide and ask for information
    3. To describe and co
  2. To narrate I
    1. To narrate following the prototypical process
    2. To insert descriptive and dialogical sequences
  3. To give an opinion and judge I
    1. To express in simple terms opinions and judgements
    2. To express agreement and disagreement
  4. To express knowledge, lack of knowledge and skill I
  5. To express obligation and necessity I
  6. To express likings, preferences and interests I
    1. To ask about and express likings and interests
    2. To ask about and express preferences
  7. To express plans and intentions I
  8. To express wishes, feelings and sensations I
    1. To express wishes
    2. To express feelings
    3. To express physical and emotional sensations
  9. Influence on others I
    1. To give instructions
    2. To offer and invite
    3. To accept and reject
    4. To propose and suggest
    5. To ask for help, for permission, for a favour…
    6. To advise
  10. Social uses of language under informal circumstances
    1. To greet and bid farewell
    2. To introduce oneself and react to an introduction
    3. To apologize and react to an apology
    4. To be grateful
    5. To express oneself in other social situations
    6. To express courteous wishes
  11. How to structure discourse I
  12. Spelling I
    1. The alphabet
    2. Spelling of letters and words: why/because (“por qué/porque”); numbers and digits
    3. Spelling of capital letters and lower case
    4. Spelling of verbal forms
    5. Accentuation: distinction between types of words and recognizing stressed syllables
    6. Punctuation: Basic uses of full stop, hyphen and coma; interrogation and exclamation marks; parenthesis

Grammar contents

  1. The substantive I
    1. Types of substantive
    2. Gender and number of substantives
  2. The adjective
    1. Types of adjectives. Position Qualifying and relational adjectives
    2. Gender and number of adjective
    3. Grades of the adjective: positive, comparative and superlative
  3. Demonstratives
    1. Values and meaning
    2. Syntactic distribution
  4. Possessives
    1. Stressed and unstressed forms
    2. Syntactic distribution
  5. Quantifiers
    1. Own quantifiers: numerals, universals and non universals
    2. Gradative quantifiers: comparatives of quantity
    3. Focal or presuppositional quantifiers: includers
  6. The personal pronoun I
    1. Subject pronoun. Form, Presence/ absence and values/ meaning
    2. Unstressed pronouns as Direct Object: absence, complete series, neutral pronoun “lo”
    3. Unstressed pronouns as Indirect Object: complete series. Verbs like “gustar” (to like)
    4. Values of SE
    5. Stressed pronouns as prepositional complements
    6. Interrogatives
  7. Basic prepositions
  8. The verb I
    1. Indicative
      1. Present
      2. Present perfect
      3. Preterite
      4. Imperfect indicative: normal, descriptive and expression of circumstance
      5. Future: temporary value
      6. Contrasts: Present/ Present perfect Present perfect / preterit Imperfect / present perfect / preterit
    2. Subjunctive Present: regulars and irregularities inherited from the present indicative; irregularities with regards to theme and root. Temporary adverbial subordinates (when, “cuando”)
    3. Affirmative imperative, regulars and irregulars. Pronoun position
    4. Non personal forms: infinitive, gerund and participle
    5. Verbal periphrases
    6. Contrast of to be, “ser / estar / haber”
  9. The Nominal syntagm I
  10. The verbal syntagm I



  • BALLESTER, P.(2011): Conjugando verbos españoles. Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. Universitat de Barcelona.
  • VV.AA (2014): Más que palabras B1.1, Barcelona Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.
  • MORENO, M. (2009): Y ahora la gramática 3, Barcelona Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.
  • VV.AA. (2010): Gramática básica del estudiante español A1-B1, Madrid, Editorial Difusión.
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