Spanish culture course - Comprehension and writing and Spanish I

Understanding and Writing in Spanish I

Understanding and Writing in Spanish I (45 h)

During the course, students will work on the acquisition of strategies to interpret and construct written texts of different types and genres, with an emphasis on processes of reading comprehension, planning, writing and review. This course is particularly designed for intermediate level foreign students. 

Minimum level of Spanish language required: Intermediate

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

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Group: 10


Writing is the result of a complex process to capture an idea so that it can be interpreted by the intended reader. With this objective, in each session a specific model of text is observed and analysed, and a text with similar characteristics is drawn up. During the sessions, students will carry out reading activities and analyse written texts, and undertake tasks relating to the planning, development and organisation of ideas. In addition, there will be a focus on the use of connectors and the distribution of content in paragraphs.


Attendance and participation in class: 20%  

Text produced or rewritten during the course: 50%  

Exam/final text: 30%


• Text types and genres o Descriptive text: letter of motivation and presentation  

o The narrative text: the news article  

o The narrative-descriptive text: the short story  

o Expository text I: the informative article  

o The professional environment: the curriculum  

o The academic and personal sphere: electronic mail  

• Interpretation and construction of texts I  

o Analytical reading and the structure of the text: read like a writer  

o Adaptation to the communication objective: write with the reader in mind  

o Planning: from a rain of ideas to concept maps  

o Composition: from the sentence to the paragraph, from the paragraph to the text  

o Revision: style and spelling  

• Read and write in line I 

• Connective resources I  

o Additive connectors  

o Connectors to reformulate ideas  

o Consecutive connectors  

• Discourse strategies I  

o Objectifying strategies in the interpretation and production of texts  

• Punctuation o Interpretation of punctuation marks in reading  

o Use of punctuation marks in writing  

• Spelling issues: accentuation


ÁLVAREZ, M. (2001): Ejercicios de escritura. Nivel avanzado, Madrid, Anaya. ÁLVAREZ, M. (2001): Ejercicios de escritura. Nivel superior, Madrid, Anaya.  

BADOS, C. (2001): Textos literarios y ejercicios. Nivel avanzado, Madrid, Anaya. BADOS, C. (2001): Textos literarios y ejercicios. Nivel superior, Madrid, Anaya. HERNÁNDEZ, G. y RELLÁN, C. (1998): Aprendo a escribir 2. Narrar y describir, Madrid, SGEL, 2000 HERNÁNDEZ, G. y RELLÁN, C. (1999): Aprendo a escribir 3. Exponer y argumentar, Madrid, SGEL, 2002  

IGLESIAS, I. (2001): A toda página, Madrid, Edinumen.  

MONTOLÍO, E. (coord.) (2014): Manual de escritura académica y profesional, vols. I, II, Barcelona, Ariel.

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