Spanish culture course - Barcelona: A meeting place for spanish and latinamerican arts II

Barcelona: the meeting of Spanish and Hispanic literature II

Barcelona: the meeting of Spanish and Hispanic literature II (45 h)

The aim of the subject is to trace a path through the history of Spanish narrative prose from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, taking as a reference: the city, particularly Barcelona and its writers. The course programme also aims to provide information about the writers, their works, literary schools and movements, etc. In the same way, it addresses the study of Latin-American culture through some of its most representative works and their sociocultural and artistic framework. The main objective is to provide the student with knowledge and specific keys to reading, and to promote and develop comprehension and interpretation strategies associated with the Spanish and Latin-American cultural and artistic world.

Minimum level of Spanish language required: Medium

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

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Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Sotelo Vazquez, Adolfo / Sotelo Vazquez, María Luisa

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


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Select a group and enroll
Group: 10


The course starts with a reflection on the history of the Spanish and Latin-American rich, diverse identity. Spanish narrative prose is approached through narrative texts of the main contemporary authors. In turn, each of the topics will be accompanied by audio-visual presentations on the diversity of countries and landscapes, twentieth century paintings, listening to music, poetry and significant excerpts from the literary work of renowned authors of our time. In each session, students will be expected to participate actively by asking questions, reflecting on each of the topics, and giving their personal opinions.


Exam on Spanish writings: 40%

Exam on Latin-American writings: 40%

Attendance and participation: 20% 


• Spanish writings

o Modernism and Modernisme: Miguel de Unamuno, Pío Baroja, Azorín and Valle-Inclán.

o Barcelona and Spanish literature in the 1960-1970: Juan Goytisolo, Luis Goytisolo and Juan Marsé.

o Barcelona and Spanish novelists from the second half of the twentieth century: Ana María Matute and Carmen Martín Gaite.

• Latin-American writings

o A dialogue with Latin-American music. Reading and listening to some of the most representative poems and songs (II).

o The neo-fantasy universe in the stories of Julio Cortázar.

o A visual and historical journey through Latin-American art through mural painters of the twentieth century.

o Labyrinth of emotions in current Latin-American film.


Spanish writings

SOTELO VÁZQUEZ, A. (2005): Viajeros en Barcelona, Barcelona, Planeta. Diccionarios de español (Editoriales VOX, RAE o Sopena)

Students have a file containing all the texts that they must read and discuss

Latin-American writings

BELLINI, G, (1997), Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Castalia. FRANCO, J. (1990): Historia de la literatura Hispanoamericana, Ariel.

GOIC, C, (1998), Historia y crítica de la Literatura Hispanoamericana, Tomo III, Época contemporánea, Barcelona, Crítica, S.A.

GUTIERREZ, R. (2000): Historia del arte Iberoamericano, Lungwerg ediciones

LEYMARIE, I. (1997): La música latinoamericana, ritmos y danzas de un continente, Ediciones B.

ORTIZ GAITAN, J. (2010): El muralismo mexicano: Otros maestros, Editorial Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

PÉREZ MURILLO, D y FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, D. (COOR) (2002): La memoria filmada: América Latina a través de su cine, Lepala.

RAUDA JAMIS, (1988), Frida Kalho, Editorial Circe.

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