Spanish summer culture course - Barcelona, creative and cultural city
Barcelona, creative and cultural city (45 h)
The main objective of this course is to give the student an idea of the different creative areas that the city of Barcelona has to offer, a city that has been a pioneer in many areas such as design, publishing, gastronomy or sports. Creativity is the ability to generate something new, combining data, perceptions and materials, and the city of Barcelona, which has managed to reinvent itself on so many occasions, is a constant example of this. With this in mind, the different environments in which the city has stood out over the years will be studied.
Minimum level of Spanish language required: Medium
Each session will consist of a PowerPoint presentation of the topic and different readings and visits that the students will have to study and prepare. Then, contents will be put it in common to be clarified with the help of the teacher. Active participation of the students is expected.
Examination: 40%
Course work: 40%
Class attendance: 20%
• Introduction. Creativity: the 21st century skill.
• Cultural sites: creativity in the streets. From the Gothic Quarter to urban sculptures and graffiti.
• The museums of Barcelona. From tradition to innovation.
• Traditional culture: creativity at the service of folklore.
• Fashion in Barcelona: from the big brands to the big designers. The city as a commercial center.
• Visual and performing arts: theater, dance and music.
BOIX, R; LAZZERETTI, L. (2012): Las industrias creativas en España: una panorámica. Investigaciones Regionales (nº 22).
BONET, L.; DUEÑAS, M.; PORTELL, R. (Coords.), (1992): El sector cultural en España ante el proceso de integración europea, Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura.
BUSTAMANTE, E. (2013): España: la cultura en tiempos de crisis. Madrid, Fundación Alternativas.
BUSTAMANTE, E. (Ed), (2011): Las industrias creativas. Amenazas sobre la cultura digital. Barcelona, Gedisa.
BUSTAMANTE, E. (Coord.), (2004): Comunicación y Cultura en la Era Digital. Industrias, mercados y diversidad en España, Barcelona, Gedisa.
FUNDACIÓN IDEAS (2012): Las industrias Culturales y creativas, un sector clave en la nueva economía. Sevilla, Fundación ideas.
MATTELART, A. (2006): Diversidad cultural y mundialización. Barcelona, Paidós. POBLENOU URBAN DISTRICT (2017): El concepto Barcelona. Barcelona, Poblenou Urban District.
VVAA: Políticas para la creatividad. Guía para el desarrollo de las industrias culturales y creativas, Unesco, 2010
ZALLO, R. (1988): Las Industrias Culturales en España, Madrid, Akal.