Spanish culture course - Art in Spain: from the Mezquita of Córdoba and the Cathedral of Santiago to Gaudí, Picasso and Dalí ii

Art in Spain: from the Mosque of Córdoba and the Cathedral of Santiago to Gaudí, Picasso and Dalí II

Art in Spain: from the Mosque of Córdoba and the Cathedral of Santiago to Gaudí, Picasso and Dalí II (45 h)

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the main expressions of art in the Iberian Peninsula, from its origins to the present day. We will study major monuments such as Romanesque churches, gothic cathedrals or modernista buildings, as well as the main painters and sculptors, including El Greco, Velázquez, Murillo, Goya, Picasso or Dalí.

Minimum level of Spanish language required: Intermediate 

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Almirall Arnal, Elena

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10


Each session will include a presentation of the topic based on a power point. Students will be expected to participate actively. The class will be complemented by visits to the city's main monuments and museums. 


Examination: 40%

Course work: 40%

Class attendance: 20% 


• Francisco de Goya, the first modern painter.

• Neoclassicism: architecture, sculpture and painting.

• Romanticism.

• Historical painting.

• Impressionism in Spain.

• Modernisme: Gaudí, Domènech i Montaner, Puig i Cadafalch.

• Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

• Salvador Dalí: Surrealism

• Joan Miró. 


AYALA MALLORY, N. (1991): Del Greco a Murillo, la pintura española del siglo de Oro, Madrid, Alianza Forma.

AZCÁRATE, J.M. (1990): Arte gótico en España, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra. BASSEGODA, J. (1976): El modernismo en Cataluña, Barcelona, Nuevo Arte Thor. BONET CORREA, A. (1985): Arquitectura barroca en España, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra. BORRÁS, G.M, (1983): La Alhambra y el Generalife, Madrid, Anaya Monografías. BOZAL, V. (1978): Historia del Arte en España I y II, Madrid, Editorial Istmo. BOZAL, V. (1994): Goya y el gusto moderno, Madrid, Alianza Forma. BRIHUEGA, J. (1993): Miró y Dalí: los grandes surrealistas, Madrid, Anaya Monografías. CHECA, F. (1983), Pintura y escultura del Renacimiento en España 1450-1600, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

HERNANDO, J. (1989): Arquitectura en España 1700-1900, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

LAMBERT, E. (1982): El arte gótico en España en los siglos XII y XIII, Madrid, Editorial Cátedra.

MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, J. J. (1998): Escultura barroca en España 1600-1770, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

NIETO A.-MORALES-CHECA (1989): Arquitectura del Renacimiento en España, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, A. (1990): Goya, Barcelona, Planeta

PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, A. (1992): Pintura barroca en España 1600-1750, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

REYERO, C.-FREIXA, M. (1995): Pintura y escultura en España 1800-1910, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

SCHUMETZLER, R. (1982): El modernismo, Madrid, Alianza Forma.

SUREDA, J. (1989): La pintura románica en Cataluña, Madrid, Alianza Forma.

URRUTIA, Á. (1997): Arquitectura española siglo XX, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra. YARZA, J. (1979): Arte y arquitectura en España 500-1250, Madrid, Manuales Arte Cátedra.

Each session will include a presentation of the topic based on a power point. Students will be expected to participate actively. The class will be complemented by visits to the city's main monuments and museums.

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