Business course - Sustainable Business Management

Sustainable business management

Sustainable business management (45 h)

Unquestionably, both current and future businesses must become sustainable. This means that sustainability is attracting the attention of companies, consumers, policymakers, stakeholders, and business agents from around the world. As a result, more and more companies are developing and implementing sustainable business strategies. To successfully carry out this challenge, companies are recruiting managers who are well prepared in this cross-disciplinary field. This course serves as an introduction to sustainable business management, covering global sustainable models, trade, industry, consumption, trends, strategies, key sectors, policies, and more. 

During the course, students will learn the vision and tools required to effectively manage the challenges that new sustainable business models demand. The course explains the “whats” and “whys” of sustainable businesses, proving a big-picture perspective and deep capabilities around sustainability’s competitive advantages.

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Batlló Ferrer, Juan

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Group: 10


The course will consist of lectures and practical examples covering Sustainable Business Management. We will focus on both technical and human elements to gain an understanding of how crucial the relationship between businesses and sustainability is. The professor will provide lecture notes and supplementary materials, which will be uploaded to the course website at least one day before the scheduled lecture.


Exam: 40% 

Essay: 40% 

Attendance and class participation: 20%


• Sustainable Business Management 

o Business, Environmental and Human Development 

o Rationale and Benefits of Sustainable Business 

o Global Business Models 

• Sustainable Business Concepts 

o Natural Capital and Publics Goods 

o Environmental Externalities 

o Sustainable Business Trends, Trade, Industry, Jobs, Consumption 

• Planning, Policy and Sustainable Governance 

o Sustainable Business Strategies 

o Key Sectors 

o Policy Assessment 

o Stakeholders Engagement 

o Policy and Regulatory Tools 

• International Policies 

o International Policy Developments 

o Global Development Framework


Ashford, N. A. & Hall, R. P. Technology, globalization, and sustainable development transforming the industrial state. (Routledge, 2019).  

Jeanrenaud, S., Jeanrenaud, J.-P. & Gosling, J. Sustainable business: a one planet approach. (Wiley & Sons in 2017)  

Molthan-Hill, P. The business students guide to sustainable management: Principles and Practice. (Greenleaf, 2014).

Technical specifications

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