Business course - International Marketing

International marketing

International marketing (45 h)

This course is centered around the key elements of International Marketing Management. We will delve into the primary features of the international marketing environment, explore market organization, and analyze different consumer behavior. It is important to have basic knowledge of marketing as a prerequisite to taking this course.

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Batlló Ferrer, Juan

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Group: 10


The course website will be updated with supplementary material at least one day prior to the lecture for students to review. The class will consist of a lecture followed by discussions with students about the notes and materials.


Exam: 40% 

Essay: 40% 

Attendance and class participation: 20%

• Overview

o Challenge of International Marketing 

• Global Cultural Environment 

o Foundations of Culture 

o Cultural Dynamics in Global Markets 

o Culture, Management and Business Systems 

• Global Market Opportunities 

o Global Vision through Marketing Research 

o Economic Development and the Americas 

o Europe, Africa, and the Middle East o Asia Pacific Region                   

• Global Marketing Strategies 

o Global Marketing Management 

o International Marketing Channels 

o Marketing Communications 

o Sales Management 

o Pricing for International Markets


Cateora, P. Graham, J, Gilly, M. (2016). International Marketing. New York: McGrawHill/Irwin, 17th Edition 

International Business & International Marketing, Willimans, L. Ebook, Amazon 2017 Principles of marketing ,KOTLER,ph Armstrong,G Ebook Amazon 2017 

Chernatony, L. and Segal-Horn, S. (2003). The criteria for successful services brands. European Journal of Marketing, 37(7/8), pp.1095-1118.

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