Business course - International Financial Management

International financial management

International financial management (45 h)

This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of international financial management. 

We will delve into the defining characteristics of the international finance economics environment, examine the organization of foreign exchange markets, and explore the use and significance of various derivative instruments. If time allows it, we will also delve into the origins and evolution of the current financial crisis. To be eligible for this class, students should possess a good knowledge of macroeconomic finance and international economy.

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Batlló Ferrer, Juan

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Group: 10


This lecture will include discussions with students, based on notes and supplementary material available on the course website at least one day before the scheduled lecture.


Exam: 40% 

Essay: 40% 

Attendance and class participation: 20%


• Environment of International Finance Economics 

• The Currency and Derivative Markets 

• The Financial Turmoil 2007-2010


Foundations of multinational financial management – Alan C.Shapiro – Wiley 5th Edition

International financial management – CheolS.Eun&Bruce.G.Resnick –McGraw Hill 5th Edition 

Multinational financial management – Alan C.Shapiro – Wiley 8th Edition

Technical specifications

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