Business course - Corporate Finance

Corporate finance

Corporate finance (45 h)

This course is designed to provide a solid understanding of corporate finance fundamentals. Throughout the course, we will cover the basics of investment project evaluation and business valuation, as well as the key concepts related to capital structure and average financing costs. Our focus will be on practical applications rather than purely theoretical concepts.

Course 2024-2025

Course 2024-2025

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Teacher: Batlle Molina, Emilio

Course 2025-2026

Course 2025-2026

Course price

General price


Reduced price


Check the course fees.

Select a group and enroll
Group: 10
Group: 10


The course will consist of a mix of lectures, practical exercises, and other learning activities, such as solving case studies, doing exercises, and practicing with IT tools. These activities may be done individually or in small groups, either in class or outside of class. Students will be provided with PowerPoint slides on each topic, which will include the main concepts, examples, explanations, and suggested readings. It is important to seek assistance if necessary to ensure a successful understanding of the subject matter.


Exam: 40% 

Essay: 40% 

Attendance and class participation: 20%


• Introduction to Corporate Finance 

• Investment Project Analysis 

• Capital Structure & Cost of Capital 

• Financial Valuation of the Firms


BERK, Jonathan y DEMARZO, Peter Corporate Finance, Pearson. (ed. 2008) 

BREALEY, Richard A., MYERS, Stewart C. y ALLEN, Franklin, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill. 

DAMODARAN, Aswath, Applied Corporate Finance, John Wiley. DURBAN OLIVA, Salvador, Finanzas Corporativas, Pirámide. 

FERNÁNDEZ, Ana Isabel, GARCÍA OLALLA, Myriam, Las decisiones Financieras de la Empresa, Ariel Economía.

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