General information
Norwegian students
UB Erasmus students
Norwegian students
Velkommen til Språksenter ved Universidad de Barcelona!
For some years, the University of Barcelona has been one of the main university institutions welcoming Norwegian students, who choose our programme of Spanish language and culture courses to complete their academic education.
Hispanic Studies offers a full programme of Spanish language and culture courses for international students that can be combined by study periods, number of hours or ECTS credits, according to the requirements for grants offered by the Norwegian Ministry of Education (KD), through its Lånekassen government office.
The following courses may be combined:
Spanish Language
Year-long course of 220 h from September to April/May
Spring course of 110 h from September to December or January to April/May
Language courses have a teaching load of 8 hours per week.
Spanish Culture
The Spanish Culture programme is organized into 11 year-long subjects of 90 hours and 16 four-month long of 45 hours (11 in Spanish and 5 in English), distributed in two semesters in the autumn and spring.
Each of culture subject has a teaching load of 3 hours per week.
Examples of combinations
Full year, from September to April/may:
Year-long language course of 220 hours + 2 culture subjects of 90 hours = 14 hours per week
Year-long language course of 220 hours + 3 culture subjects of 90 hours = 17 hours per week
Semester courses, from September to December or from January to April/May:
Four-month language course of 110 hours + 2 culture subjects of 45 hours = 14 hours per week
Four-month language course of 110 hours + 3 culture subjects of 45 hours = 17 hours per week
You can sign up for the courses you're interested through the the website by paying €600. Once that's done, you can request the pre-admission letter needed for the scholarship application. Once you have paid for the course, you will receive a letter confirming your enrolment.
Your final certificate will state the language level that you have reached, the hours and the ECTS credits obtained.
Please send us your questions and queries to the following email address: eh.informacion@ub.edu.
Vi gleder oss til å treffe deg!